
Share your opinion on Plymouth's future

Paint your visionLast week's Master Planning kickoff was the start of a process empowering Plymouthians to paint a vision of their future. This…

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Traffic into Chiltonville

2.5 times the estimated traffic through Chiltonville

The Planning Board will hold a public hearing in Town Hall at 7:05 P.M. on Wednesday, September 27, to hear Pinehills LLC's presentation of a …

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Original Pinehills traffic distribution

Follow up - Chiltonville Traffic

Sent to the Planning Board via email 6/13/23: I’m following up on my email sent May 11th of this year in regard to the traffic entering and exiting…

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2.5 times the traffic!

According to the most recent study, daily traffic entering/exiting the Pinehills property to the north of The Pines Driveway (e.g., …

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Traffic into Chiltonville

Pinehills Traffic Study

5/10/23 Planning Board MeetingThe planning board received a traffic update from Pinehills, LLC and its traffic consultant, Vanasse & …

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46 Sandwich Road

Town Meeting UpdateAbsolutely fantastic information provided by Steve Bolotin (recently elected Planning Board member) regarding the …

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46 Sandwich Road FinCom/Town Meeting Update

The Finance Committee met on Wednesday, May 25, 2022 to review the June 21, 2022 Special Town Meeting warrant and discussion Article 1: …

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46 Sandwich Road Special Permit request to be resubmitted

The proposed condominium development on 46 Sandwich Road (i.e., the former Entergy Training Center) Special Permit* request was “withdrawn without …
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Proposed Condominium Development on 46 Sandwich Road

Dear Neighbor:      Do you know of the proposal to build a 64 unit condominium complex, complete with community center and pool, at the old Entergy …
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