Traffic into Chiltonville

Pinehills Traffic Study

5/10/23 Planning Board Meeting

The planning board received a traffic update from Pinehills, LLC and its traffic consultant, Vanasse & Associates, Inc. addressing the traffic patterns, loads, and speeds within the Village Green.

During public comment, we asked the Planning Board to request a similar traffic update for the adjacent communities receiving traffic from the Pinehills – specifically Chiltonville.

Post 5/10/23 Planning Board Meeting


Thank you for hearing my comments last night in regard to the safety and economic concerns as they related to traffic entering and exiting Pinehills, LLC to the north. As I mentioned last night, the current traffic counts documented by Pinehills LLC and Vanasse & Associates, Inc. (VAI) on February 3, 2023 far exceed the original projections that the residents of Chiltonville signed up for back in 1998… and we’re still not at full buildout.

As illustration, I have attached an edited compilation of documents that corroborate my concerns.  And with due respect toward Mr. Dirk, Managing Partner Vanasse & Associates, today’s traffic to the north of the property was not a result of “an unintended consequence”, but rather a poor traffic plan.

  1. Please reference my MEPA submission (page 2 & 3 of the attached) where I articulated my concern. 
  2. Please reference Pinehills, LLC’s response to my concerns documented in their Phase Review Document Phase II, Volume 1 dated July 27, 1999, where they state, “[traffic to the north] is predicted by traffic specialist to generate a minimal flow of traffic through Chiltonville. The Pine Hills LLC will carefully monitor traffic flow around the site, always including Chiltonville as part of this effort in order to measure impact from development of The Pinehills.”
  3. Please reference page 6 of the attached document take from,  “The Pinehills – 2022 Traffic Monitoring Program Plymouth, Massachusetts” submitted by Pinehills LLC and Vanasse & Associates, Inc. (VAI) on February 3, 2023.

The current average weekday and Saturday traffic counts on Old Sandwich Road heading into Chiltonville dwarf the original projections the Chiltonville residents agreed upon when the OSMUD was being negotiated toward the end of the 1990s.

I would like to ask the Planning Board to consider taking up this issue, and holding Pinehills, LLC. to their word to “participant in local discussions and consideration of options for additional means of ensuring preservation of the character of Chiltonville”.

2 thoughts on “Pinehills Traffic Study”

  1. What was the planning board response to your observation they had failed in “ensuring preservation of the character of Chiltonville”?

    1. They acknowledged my comment and expressed concern, however, I think we need to continue to push this issue to ensure the Planning Board follows up with Pinehills, LLC to request a similar study for Chiltonville.

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