Mark your calendars for June 4th @6:00PM

CAC Appointments

As you may recall, the Select Board agreed to form a Wastewater Groundwater Discharge Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) at their March 12th meeting in response to the 300% proposed increase in wastewater discharge in Camelot Park.

This week, CAC candidates received invitations to attend next Tuesday’s Select Board meeting to answer questions the Board may have during their deliberations.

Please plan to attend the Select Board meeting on June 4th at Town Hall to show your support for the CAC/candidatees. We have a great group of very knowledgable people who have offered their time and are eager to participate in this effort.

The Select Board meeting will be held at Plymouth’s Town Hall, 26 Court Street in the Great Hall on the 2nd floor at 6PM.  The meeting is scheduled to begin at 5PM however the first hour of the meeting with be a closed executive session.

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