30+ of us turned out last Sunday for a very informative discussion around the town’s desire to reroute 1.75 MGD of treated wastewater into Camelot Park located at the headwaters of Eel River. Thanks, Kathy Castagna, for a great presentation and explanation of Massachusett’s environmental protection alphabet soup (MEPA, EIR, DEIR, ei-ei-oh ;-). If you were unable to make the meeting, visit our YouTube channel, or view it online below:
The Select Board has created a Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) to ensure the public is part of the MEPA process (see below). What is less clear of the CAC is how and whether their input will influence the decisions and direction the town will take. More to come on that topic… we’re planning to invite candidates (Select Board, Planning Board) to come to our April Sundays @the Barn meeting to share/hear thoughts on topics like the wastewater expansion and traffic speed mitigation through Chiltonville, etc.
The Citizen Advisory Committee (6 vacant seats) will provide a platform for citizen input, feedback, and collaboration with town departments, related to wastewater treatment and disposal. The Committee will help to enhance transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in policy development and serves as a forum for educating the public about the importance of proper wastewater management practices and promoting community involvement in related initiatives. Its key focus areas will be soliciting public input and feedback on the proposed groundwater discharge increase at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, assisting in community outreach efforts between the DPW and the community on proposed groundwater discharging and informing the community on the progress and facts of the groundwater discharge process. The Committee will meet on an as needed basis and the vacancies are to fill six terms which will conclude at the issuance of a revised or renewed Groundwater Discharge Permit issued by the MA DEP.
If you would like to submit your name as a potential candidate to the CAC you must use this online form.
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