Eversource Gas Main Extension

FYI – Eversource Energy has filed a Notice of Intent with the Plymouth Conservation Commission seeking permission to perform work which might: remove, fill, dredge, or alter an Area Subject to Protection Under the Wetlands Protection Act (General Laws, Read more

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June 25th Sundays @the Barn

Is Plymouth MA the “sand and gravel removal capital of the South Shore” — or the world?

August 16, 2022 By CleanDrinkingWater

In 2015, Emily Clark, writing for the Old Colony Memorial, warned that America’s hometown, Plymouth, was leveled Read more

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Myth: Waste simply biodegrades in the landfill.

Reality: Nothing biodegrades in a landfill because nothing is supposed to.Food waste and yard trimmings make up more than a quarter (28.2 percent) of the U.S.’ garbage and are organic and easily compostable.  Black Earth Compost is currently offering curb... Read more
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Eversource Gas Main Extension

FYI – Eversource Energy has filed a Notice of Intent with the Plymouth Conservation Commission seeking permission to perform work which might: remove, fill, dredge, or alter an Area Subject to Protection Under the Wetlands Protection Act (General Laws, Read more

June 25th Sundays @the Barn

Is Plymouth MA the “sand and gravel removal capital of the South Shore” — or the world?

August 16, 2022 By CleanDrinkingWater

In 2015, Emily Clark, writing for the Old Colony Memorial, warned that America’s hometown, Plymouth, was leveled Read more

Myth: Waste simply biodegrades in the landfill.

Reality: Nothing biodegrades in a landfill because nothing is supposed to.Food waste and yard trimmings make up more than a quarter (28.2 percent) of the U.S.’ garbage and are organic and easily compostable.  Black Earth Compost is currently offering curb... Read more