Separate yet simultaneous to the town’s Master Plan efforts, Plymouth has also begun Master Planning (with Holtec representatives) the Pilgrim 1600 Acre Area Plan, a vision for the future of the Pilgrim Power Station Site and its surroundings.
This is a 7-month process being led by Sasaki, a Boston-based planning practice. that will involve extensive engagement with the Plymouth community after the new year.
This is an opportunity for the community to provide their input and paint a vision of what’s important to them. Mind you a master plan does not regulate what can or cannot be built on a piece of property, but it is an excellent start in the negotiations of funding sources, designs, bylaws and zoning that will. Given the sheer size and location of this property, its final disposition will ultimately set the glide path of Plymouth for generations to come.
We will be keep you apprised of this effort, and hopefully, will have someone present at a Sundays @the Barn session next spring.
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