Last year, Plymouth Independent Editor and CEO, Mark Pothier, Pulitzer Prize winner, Robby Robinson, and the head of PI‘s business development, Troy Finn presented @the Barn outlining the challenges we all face living in a [local] news desert.
They spoke of receiving a $1 million challenge from a local family who has offered to establish an endowment for the PI if the community can come together to match their gift. The endowment would be invested with the intention of existing forever, and 5% of its value will be paid to the PI on an annal basis to help support the news.
To date, the PI has raised 25% of the endowment challenge goal and neighborhoods across town are beginning to pool their support by pledging $100K each — for example, 10-20 households each making a $5K – 10K pledge payable over 3 years.
Perhaps Chiltonville could rally for the PI and come together with such a pledge?
Please reach out to us (below) if you are interested in pursuing such discussions:
If you missed their presentatin, please click the video below to to watch a replay of the Sundays @the Barn meeting with the PI.
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