A Tip of the Hat (and support)

Let’s give Bil Keohan some credit and acknowledgment for his years of hard work on the Community Preservation Committee (CPC).

Few are aware of the full scope and number of important projects Bill has originated and shepherded through Town Meeting to benefit open space/recreation, historic preservation, and community housing.

The Spire, The Center for the Arts, and Town Hall are a few of the most prominent CPC projects that are enlivening business and culture downtown; however, the CPC has also preserved more than 2,000 acres of conservation and recreational land in Plymouth (among them Center Hill Preserve, Town Brook, and Hedges Pond Recreational Area), and created more than 150 units of affordable housing.

Bill’s current term on the CPC expires at the end of June and the Select Board will discuss his reappointment sometime next month. We will keep you apprised when the reappointment meeting will occur. We’ll want to attend that meeting to show our support.

There is also an public awareness campaign intended to illuminate Bill’s contribution to the town. If you would like to participate in that effort, please consider casting a symbolic vote for Bill as a Select Board write-in candidate on Saturday, May 18th. Write in “Bill Keohan”, include “19 Fremont Street” and don’t forget to fill in the oval.

Lets keep Plymouth going in the right direction… Please vote on the 18th (find your polling location).

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