Open Forum: Protecting our Lands & Waters

Open Space and Our Water

In 1990, the United States Environmental Protection Agency designated the Plymouth Carver Aquifer as a “sole source” of drinking water and ruled that it’s vulnerable to contamination and must be protected.  Seven towns share this Aquifer – and our drinking water comes from this underground aquifer (this means town water, private wells, or a water supply at a development).

The forests and lands protect and filter the Aquifer and is threatened in many ways:

  • Unregulated sand and gravel mining
  • Expansion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant discharge to the Eel River
  • Plymouth Municipal Airport Expansion
  • More commercial, industrial and residential development

Our zoning and general bylaws govern land use. These laws were passed by town voters and are intended to protect the public health, safety and welfare. Come to an open forum later this month to hear how can we use these laws to protect our water and community – more information here.

When & Where: Wed. March 27, 2027 from 4 to 6 p.m. Plymouth Public Library, 132 South Street

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