Wow – thanks so much for bringing this to our attention – had no idea! Will share this post with others.Reply
This is a BIG issue – and the Town should be required to do a FULL environmental impact statement. Instead it is trying to cut corners using the original 1990s environmental study for the facility. So much has changed since 1990! Climate change, new types of chemicals being found in wastewater such as PFAS and pharmaceuticals. Why would we discharge this directly to our sole source aquifer without further study? A coalition of groups is calling for a study to have the wastewater pumped to the Pine Hills Golf Courses where it can be reused and filtered. Other municipalities do this with their wastewater. Why not Plymouth? Read more here. you know Plymouth is also doing an environmental study to expand the airport? That needs a better study too! Comments due Jan. 8, 2023! Sign the letter campaign!