Please let us know if you will be joining us on February 4th, 2024 from 3:45 to 5:15 at the Withy Barn when Plymouth Planning Board member, Steve Bolotin, will discuss the upcoming effort to update Plymouth’s Master Planning document.
The Master Plan shall be a statement, through text, maps, illustrations or other forms of communication, that is designed to provide a basis for decision making regarding the long-term physical development of Plymouth. The comprehensive plan shall be internally consistent in its policies, forecasts and standards, and shall include the following elements:
(1) Goals and policies statement which identifies the goals and policies of Plymouth for its future growth and development.
(2) Land use plan element which identifies present land use and designates the proposed distribution, location and inter-relationship of public and private land uses.
(3) Housing element which identifies and analyzes existing and forecasted housing needs and objectives including programs for the preservation, improvement and development of housing.
(4) Economic development element which identifies policies and strategies for the expansion or stabilization of the local economic base and the promotion of employment opportunities.
(5) Natural and cultural resources element which provides an inventory of the significant natural, cultural and historic resource areas of Plymouth, and policies and strategies for the protection and management of such areas.
(6) Open space and recreation element which provides an inventory of recreational and resources and open space areas of Plymouth, and policies and strategies for the management and protection of such resources and areas.
(7) Services and facilities element which identifies and analyzes existing and forecasted needs for facilities and services used by the public.
(8) Circulation element which provides an inventory of existing and proposed circulation and transportation systems.
(9) Implementation program element which defines and schedules the specific municipal actions necessary to achieve the objectives of each element of the master or study plan.
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