Community Land & Water Coalition follow up

Great turnout last Sunday. Thanks again to Meg for the presentation and Q&A. For those interested, here is a link to her presentation. The video and website will be published shortly.

FYI – the Conservation Commission (Oct 11) will be hearing on the Makepeace “Canning” Solar project-2 miles of industrial solar on the agricultural canals around Frogfoot Brook. This is a global biodiversity hot spot and one of the last areas of forested pine barrens upland – contiguous to Myles Standish and a wildlife corridor to Buzzards Bay. 

Let us know what you’d like to hear/talk about

As you’re aware, is a community awareness/organization effort for Chiltonville and great Plymouth. We’re happy to organize the group and schedule topics, but we need to hear from you. Please click this link to let us know what you’re interested in; what works or doesn’t work. We want to make sure our Sunday @the Barn event continue to offer value to the community.

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